Tinkerbell Rocks!!!

Tinkerbell Rocks!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Spring has almost sprung

Well, today was a bright and lovely day... except for the fact that we were blanketed with fog! I get up in the moring and I look out the window and I can faintly see my friend waiting at the bus stop that is right acrros the street from my home!

I am sooo ready for spring to come, except if Mother Earth snows a good storm so we can still do winter activitys. I'm not quite done with them yet. :0 I can't wait for beautiful flowers to bloom. I love looking around and seeing pastel colors blended in the earth. Anyhoo now you know how I feel every Utah winter!! :) bye for now...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Yippy!!!! I love the first snow!! Everything is so white!!!! Ahh its beautiful but freezing!=) Any ways can you belive in 20 DAYS its CHRISTMAS! And in 13 DAYs it will be MY BIRHTDAY! IM going to be 12!!! Annnndddd... IN 16 DAYS DANIELS COMING HOME!!!! YAY! : ) I just LOVE December!!!!Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

My Weekend!!!

So i am just getting done with cleaning forever! And I have decided I am very board!!! I have been setting up an American girl Birthday Party for my sister Sarah for a week straight!!! It gets very annoying... and I start to get jelous! But at the same time I can't wait for the party thats in a week from yesterday. Speaking of yesterday I had a sleep over with one of my girlfriends (Hayley). It was a butt load of fun! We watched Twilight, because we were both craving to see it again, and I fell asleep in the middle of it. In the morning we sat on the bed and played with the cell phone I brought. We laughed at all the videos we had on there. I just wish that my other girlfriend could have been there... thankfully I'm going to go hang out with her right after this! Her name is Erica. She is one of my bestist friends in the world! Well, I'm missing her so Im going to say by now!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fun In The Uintas

A few months ago mom, sarah, me , liz, emily and her boys, and grandpa and grandma went up to the Uinta mountains for what was supposed to be a girls camping trip of the year.we had so much fun campind singing eating and fishing while we were there! i wish we didnt have to leave so soon! We left our house at about 8:30 at night and it takes about 4 hours to get there i think! So the whole ride there was me bieng funny and acting all scared! it was very hilarious! i said things like "oh no its a over night driver! mabye he'll crash into us!" Or "mom don't fall asleep we are going to never make it!" Cause we were a day late or something we only got 3 days there i think... Gubie my cousin and oliver his brother and sarah and me found a really cool spot behind our camp ground! It was a flat sheet of rock that kind of was a mini cliff/ dropoff. there was like a little stairway out of rocks! we called our bedrooms and ate lunch out there, painted pet rocks,and played house! it was a very exiciding and fun trip! I'm glad i got to go!!!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dreaming about Gomez

My name is Lillie.. This is my first blog. I wanted to write about a dream I had last week. I always watch Wizards of Waverly Place with my sister and friends and I had a dream that my family were on a trip, and Selena Gomez went to the back of our car. My sister and I saw her and jumped up screaming and ran to her. Selena hugged my sister and I only got a high five, and I was very jealous and sad...

My sister was going to shoot a movie with Selena Gomez, and I asked Selena if we were going to be rich. She said "Yes!" Then I asked, "Would you take me shopping at Maurices?" and then I woke up.

I wanted to go shopping at Maurices with my mom and I talked about it the night before. It's kinda funny how dreams seem to come from real life...

Thanks for viewing my blog. (Just trying it out for the first time!)